PrePostSEO Review 2023: What Can You Do on This Site?

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As a digital native, you probably spend most of your time online working or surfing the web. There are many operations that you need to perform as someone that uses the internet from consuming a lot of content such as articles, blog posts, social media, videos, and so on, to coming up with great content ideas, sharing files or content quickly between people/devices and ensuring that you can do all these things effectively in a short time and an orderly fashion.

Several sites offer tools to improve your productivity, each with its unique benefits and features. One such site is which has 95+ productivity tools for SEO specialists.

Introduction to PrePostSEO

Prepost SEO homepage

I have been using this tool for a while so I decided to write a review that will guide you on some of the things that you can do on the PrePostSEO website.

PrePostSEO has many tools, some of which consist of a Paraphrasing Tool, Grammar Checker, Text Summarizer, and Plagiarism Checker in many languages. I will explain further how these work in this article.

However, for your ease of navigation, the website divides its tools into various categories consisting of the following:

  • Writing And Education Tools
  • Domain Tools
  • Website Management Tools
  • Miscellaneous Tools

Each of the categories listed above offers at least 25 tools, with the most popular tools being in the writing and education category.

The tools are rate limited to about 1000 words per query for the free plan. You get to use the tool with higher limits when you subscribe to one of the packages below

  • Basic – $50 per year
  • Standard – $150 per year
  • Company – $350 per year

4 Best Content Optimization Tools by PrePostSEO

PrePostSEO has a lot of tools that you can use, but out of all those, four of them stand out from the rest. I will explore them and outline their pros and cons

Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism checkers enable you to confirm that your work does not exist anywhere else. It can prevent you from mistakenly claiming someone else's work and can help you to provide valuable references to relevant resources. They operate by comparing your content to other resources online.

According to my analysis of the website, I discovered from my research that the plagiarism checker is the most popular tool on the website. It can be used most especially by writers looking to generate SEO content.

prepostseo plagiarism checker

So, how well does it work? I copied and pasted some content that I found online into the plagiarism checker and began the analysis. It took it around 10-20 seconds for the analysis to complete. You can see the result in the screenshot below:

prepostseo plagiarism checker result

From the screenshot you can see that the tool was able to detect that the content was indeed plagiarized, it indicated the percentage of plagiarism in the content and also the source of the original content from where it was plagiarized.

In this case, you can see from the screenshot that the content was 100 percent plagiarized from


  • One thousand words per scan
  • Plagiarism percentage
  • Compare text with original
  • Detects the source


  • Too many ads
  • Downloading the report of the analysis takes ages

Paraphrasing Tool

There are multiple reasons why people use paraphrasing tools such as to reduce repetition, avoid plagiarism and a lot more.

In addition to the plagiarism checker. PrePostSEO also has a paraphrasing tool that you can use to reword content to describe the same thing differently. This goes hand in hand with the plagiarism checker.

The question is "How effective is the paraphrasing tool by PrePostSEO?".

The paraphrasing tool has 4 content modes that modify the output based on your selection. Three of these modes are free and the fourth requires you to subscribe to a premium plan as I have described above.

The modes consist of the following

  • Simple
  • Advanced
  • Fluency
  • Creative

Simple, advanced, and fluency can be used in the free plan while creative requires you to subscribe before you have access.

The paraphrased can only work with 1000 words at a time for the free plan. Check out an example of a text that I paraphrased with the tool below

prepostseo paraphrasing tool


  • Easy to use
  • Very quick at rephasing
  • Offers a 1000 word limit in the free plan
  • Offers three content tones—four if you have a paid account


  • Too many ads
  • The creative mode should be free to some extent

Text Summarizer

The text summarizer is one of the tools offered by PrePostSEO. It enables you to simplify long-worded content by breaking it down into a form that describes the whole thing. Text summarization has been applied in various areas such as google snippets and a lot of other applications.

I copied and pasted some text that I found online into the tool and clicked summarise. Here is a glimpse of the output

prepostseo text summariser

From the user interface which you can see above you have the option to choose either the word length of the summarised content or allow the tool to calculate the word length based on a percentage that you specify of the original content.

In the screenshot above, I went with the default summarised content word count of 100. This means that the summarised content will be 100 regardless of how long the original content happens to be.

The markings shown in the image are described below

  • A: You can summarize by bullet points
  • B: You can summarize in sentences
  • C: You can summarize by percentage


  • Various ways of summarizing
  • Summarizing by percentage or words
  • Easy to use
  • Very quick


  • Too many ads

Grammar Checker

PrePostSEO consists of a grammar checker that you can use to ensure that your content is error-free. There a various advantages and disadvantages of using grammar checkers that you should know about before deciding to invest in these tools.

The tool can be used on the PrePostSEO website, simply copy and paste your content into the input field and then click on check grammar.

Here is a screenshot of the tool in action

prepostseo grammar checker


  • Effective spell checker
  • Thorough grammar correction
  • Detects typos and irrelevant words
  • It allows you to resolve all issues at once


  • It’s not an automatic corrector

Other tools by PrePostSEO

In addition to the tools that I have described above, PrePostSEO has other tools as well that are worth mentioning and that you might find interesting such as

  • Keyword Density Checker
  • Readability Checker
  • Image To Text converter
  • Article Rewriter
  • Word Counter
  • DA Checker
  • Guest Posting Site Finder


That's it for now. In this post, I have described how to use 4 tools that you can find on PrePostSEO consisting of the Paraphrasing Tool, the Plagiarism Checker, the Text Summarizer, and the Grammar Checker. I have shown you the functionality and the features that they provide. I have also listed the pros and cons of each tool. I also outlined that PrePostSEO has a lot of tools that you can use to be productive online.

Brian Richards

A by-birth Writer & enthusiastically experienced SEO. Brian is a strategic SEO Analyst specialized in Content. Brian Richards believes in Google's saying "Content is king".

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