
Click on "Start" to begin the stopwatch.

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Track your tasks online with a stopwatch

Stopwatches can be found everywhere around us. Worth mentioning is its use in the sports industry.

The performance of athletes in track and field events are measured based on how fast it takes them to cross the finish line.

As a result, athletes train themselves to be better. They purchase new running shoes and undergo carefully curated training sessions to optimise their performance.

This training can involve a change in their lifestyle such as nutrition, the time that they wake up, and go to sleep, and even taking care of their mental health.

What this training does is to make them healthy both physically and mentally so that they can cross the finish line faster.

Most of us are not athlete. We work online or use the internet for our daily activities.

We can take some lessons from how the athletes improve their performance and apply it to how we use the internet.

The stopwatch is perfect for those cases when we do not know how long a task is going to take, but we will like to get it done faster.

How do you know that the new productivity app that you just purchased is actually helping you to get the task done faster or that your new approach to doing something online is more efficient?

You track it.

The stopwatch timer by ShareTXT was developed to help you track your tasks online and improve your efficiency.

A 1% increase in efficiency per day accumulates to an increase of 365% at the end of one year.

Think about that for a moment.

This means that you will be able to publish articles faster and have a huge increase in your bottom line because of an improvement in your productivity.

How it works

The stopwatch by ShareTXT is so easy to use. It requires just one step

  1. Click on "Start" to start the stopwatch
  2. After clicking on "Start" the timer begins to count upwards. Also two buttons appear

  • Pause/Resume - This is used to suspend the stopwatch until you feel the need to resume it. Maybe you are going for a bathroom break and you don't want the stopwatch to keep counting while you are away, you can simply pause it and resume it later when you get back, and continue from where you left off.
  • Reset - After the stopwatch starts counting you can stop it at any time this will reset the time back to zero at which point you will be able to start it again from the zero mark.

Benefits of stopwatches

We are living in the age of data, with the widespread adoption of IoT devices such as Google home, Alexa, Siri and all the smart devices the rate at which data will be collected will be unlike anything that we have ever experienced in history.

We also need to collect our own data. This helps us to boost our productivity and track how much we use these devices. A stopwatch goes a long way in helping us do this.

As a small business owner you handle everything about your business. A stopwatch timer helped you to track how much time you are spending on each part of your business.

The 80/20 rule applies here because you want to spend more time on the 20% of your activities that move your business forward and less time on 80% of the activities that do not help you as much.

Some benefits of stopwatches include

  • Helps you to get tasks done faster
  • Enables you to track how long it takes for a task to get done

Why use Stopwatch by ShareTXT

I discovered when doing my research before creating this application that there were a lot of other stopwatch applications online that have a lot of features. Even Google has a stopwatch that you see by searching "Online timer" on Google.

Ease of use

The stopwatch by ShareTXT is very minimalist. This is intentional. We have added everything that the stopwatch requires to provide the productivity boost without adding any complications.

This prevents you from having to worry about learning how to use the application but instead set the timer and check back when you have completed the task to see your progress.


The stopwatch by ShareTXT is free for you to use forever. No strings attached.

This application is user supported. This means that our users contribute willingly to keeping ShareTXT online. We also use the ads displayed on this website to support the application and handle developement cost. You can support ShareTXT by buying me a coffee here.

It works offline without an internet connection

Even when you are not connected to the internet, the stopwatch app by ShareTXT will still be able to work. In the situation that you are at a place with poor or no internet connection, you can still use the application without any issues.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the answers to your questions about Stopwatch by ShareTXT

Why doesn't this application have the ability to track laps?

This application was created for people that work online in order to enable them to track and improve their productivity the idea of having laps in a countdown timer is gotten from the sports industry where you are trying to track a continuously moving target.

This application is not created for that use. It was created to help you to track how long it takes you to perform online tasks that you want to improve.

What data is collected and stored by stopwatch by ShareTXT?

The Stopwatch by ShareTXT does not store any data when users make use of the application.

We are an ethical company. We only collect the data that we need to enable people to continue to use our application for free. No data is stored without express permission from our users. If you want to learn more about how we protect our users privacy, take a look at our privacy policy. Also, to learn more about cookies, what data we collect and how we use it, check out our terms of service.

Contact us

Do you have questions, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports, feedback, or you just want to say hi? Click this link to visit our contact page and tell us all about it.